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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fragile Crate Bundle 1/13

In Tune, weapon [225/163] assured to get this item with purchase.

At 120 RP per bundle, this works out to 12 RP per item.
We just had a very similar crate bundle with the Coffin Crate Bundle Jan 11 and since that loot had been out as far back as Coffin Crates Dec 11 I am not sure how excellent a deal this is. We literally *just* had the new Showbiz Crates 1/12 yesterday.

So pay attention to what's inside! If you get mostlly Uncommon and Rare loot items, this is probably better for your stats than the Gearhead Sale Event 1/13 though all items in that event will have one number at 208 (and cost 11.25 RP per item)  whereas the highest common items here are at 195.

Common Items

Glass Moulder, henchmen [195/148]
Cut-lery, weapon [148/195]
Cut-Me-Off, vehicle [195/149]

Uncommon Items

Glass Harp Player, henchmen [210/154]
Mirror Image, weapon [154/210]
Rich Taste, armor [210/153]

Rare Items

See-Through, vehicle [164/225]
In Tune, weapon [225/163]

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