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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Rob, Trick or Treat (Robbing Spree Season 4) 10/27

Toxic Pumpkin, armor [varies] 

The Hallowe'en event has been released! 

Prepare to collect a lot of Goodie Bags. I recommend collecting at least 100 before beginning a robbing spree so you can complete the entire board.

How it works:

Just like last time Robbing Spree 3

Goodie Bags:
Get up to 50 Goodie Bags per day. (20 from requests + 20 from feeds + 5 from clicking on friends feeds +5 from job drops)

The Rewards!

Good luck and Happy Hallowe'en!

Scarecrow, henchmen [varies]

Bonbomb, weapon [varies]

Friday, October 26, 2012

Bermuda Crate Bundle 10/26

Another Sale item has popped up, a Crate Bundle

If you really love these crate items, the Bermuda Crate Sale was just two weeks ago, and Shogun Crates were just released two days ago. I'm not sure how top-of-the-line these loot items can be. If you think this is a deal that cannot be passed up, more power to ya!

Path Of The Assassin: The Raven Returns 10/26

The Raven Returns

Reward for taking out the Raven: Xtreme  Assassin's Jacket, armor [215/140]

Clicking "Go To Fights" will take you to the fight page, where the Raven will show up! Good luck!

Old posts about the Raven

Skate or Die Mission Event 10/26

Grand Prize, Skateboarder, henchmen [216/145]

We have 14 days and 17 hours to complete this mission event and collect the Grand Prize.

Mission #1: Initial Run

Part 1: Rob 15 Refineries in Brazil. Pretty easy.
Part 2: Loot 20 Lead Catcher from Job "Expose a Treachery in your Family" Clicking "Go Now" will take you to District 2 in Chicago, job #4. At Ruby level this cost me 432 Energy per click.
Part 3: Ask for Hide & Split from Mafia. Posts a Beg on the feed.

The Rewards: 1 Roadster Yacht, vehicle [186/125] (experience will vary)

Mission #2: Working Grind Rails

Part 1: Build 2 Weapons in the Weapons Depot: This one is going to take me a little while as I had already made today's weapon. We can always choose to spend the RP to speed this up.
Part 2: Acquire 20 weapons: Clicking "Go Now" will take you to the City Store (it took me to London) where you can buy the 20 weapons needed. 
Part 3: Loot 23 Weezle Waster from Robbing in Chicago: 

Rewards for completing this mission:  1 African Ostrich, animal [125/186] (experience will vary)

Mission #3: Do a Barrel Roll

Part 1: Clear 5 Robbing Boards. Clicking "Go Now"  takes us to London robbing. Pretty easy.
Part 2: Collect from your Headquarters three times. Can take up to 24 hours.
Part 3: Get Support from your Mafia send out Mission Crew requests.
The Reward for completing: one Fireman Jacket, armor [186/125] (experience varies)

Mission #4: Kick The Flip

Part 1: Get 3 crew members. Clicking "Ask Now" takes you to requesting city crew.
Part 2: Rob 30 Sports Stadium in London. Pretty easy!
Part 3: Job Collect Income From Your Establishments (0/25). Clicking "Go Now" takes us to Chicago District 3. Ruby level job is costing me 702 energy per click. Still pretty easy.
The Reward: 1 Hand Some, Weapon [125/186] (experience will vary)

Mission #5: Lip Trick

Part 1: Loot 22 London Tour Guide from job "Lay a Trap for the Royal" in London. Clicking "Go Now" will take you to London  District 3, this job (at Ruby level) will cost me 864 Energy per click.
Part 2: Win 3 wars. Can take up to 24 hours
Part 3: Loot 13 Fur Collar Vest from fights in Chicago. Pretty simple.
The Reward for completing: A Roadster Yacht and a Fireman Jacket (experience will vary)

Mission #6: Hang Time

Part 1: Win 38 fights in London. Pretty simple.
Part 2: Build 2 vehicles in the Chop Shop. This one will take me at least 27 more hours since I built this morning. I always have the option to buy my way out for 8 RP
Part 3: Ask for 19 Hide and Split from mafia. Posts a beg in the news feed.
The Rewards for completing: One Roadster Yacht and one African Ostrich. (experience will vary)

Mission #7:  Grabber's Ball

Part 1: Job Burn Down a Brand New Condo" 30 times. Clicking "Go Now" takes us to London District 2. At Ruby Level this job will cost me 540 Energy per click.
Part 2: Help in a War 7 times. Simple enough
Part 3: Fight 60 Opponents in Chicago. Also simple.
Rewards for Completing are one Hand Some and one Fireman Jacket (experience will vary)

Mission #8: The Last Ramp

Part 1: Declare a War 2 times. Will take up to 16 hours.
Part 2: Win 60 Fights in London. Pretty simple!
Part 3: Clear 3 Robbing Boards.
The Rewards for Completing: An African Ostrich and a Hand Some (experience will vary)

Mission #9: Boardmasters

Part 1: Fight 60 Opponents in Brazil. Easy!
Part 2: Rob 10 Royal Bank. Also very easy!
Part 3: Ask for 15 Hide and Split from mafia: Post another beg in the feed.
The Rewards for completing: One Skateboarder (experience will vary)

Mission #10: Bonus Mission: Hammerhead Faceplant

Part 1: Collect from Sports Stadium three times. Can take up to 24 hours.
Part 2: Ice 25 Opponents in London. Easy!
Part 3: Take out Alex Nash

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Silver Elephant Bundle $99 10/25

Grand Prize, Silver Elephant Bundle, $99

Originally priced at $173. Includes 5 Ussuri Brown Bear, animal [140/204] 5 Mariachi, henchmen [204/140] and +50 Skill Ponits

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Shogun Crate Sale 10/24

Akuma O-yoroi, armor, common [141/186] 

We can get one Shogun crate for 9RP or 3 for 25 RP

What's inside, common

Okayama's Kago, vehicle [186/141]
Kodenbushi, henchmen [141/186]
Akuma O-yoroi, armor [141/186]


Kasa Hime, henchmen [201/146]
Imperial Yanebune, vehicle [146/201]
Senshi no Tanuki, animal [146/201]


Futatsu Gekidomaru, weapon [216/156]
Ronin, henchmen [156/216]

Car Wash New Limited Time Property 10/24

Lots of parts to beg for, 15 days and 18 hours! Let's get to the begging!

Levels 1, 2 & 3 builds a muffler (no bonus)
Levels 4, 5 & 6 build Spiked Gloves (+3 attack bonus)

Levels 7 through 10 is a Detergent Bomb (+4 defense bonus)
Levels 11 through 14 Car-e-taker (+5 stamina bonus)

Car-e-taker Level 15 (+6 stamina bonus)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Limited Edition, Collectors & Marketplace items 10/23

Today's Uber Special Collector's Edition Item is the King's Platemail

Armor [204/134] with a bonus of +6 Stamina when you purchase this item.

If you aren't sure whether or not you've been spending enough money to play this game, there is always this Mega Pack. Was $179.00 now 56% off $79.00 and it comes with these nifty items

500 hired guns
3 of the same loot item for every opened crate

We also got these 6 new Limited Edition items

Please don't miss the Group Sale Item! 

Shark-Tooth, vehicle [stats vary]

New London Districts 9 & 10

Woke up this morning to find that we had two new London Districts to master. 

District 9 is called Turkish Delight. It has 4 levels of Mastery, the usual Bronze Through Ruby. 

District 10 is called Footing The Ball, it has 4 levels of Mastery, the usual Bronze Through Ruby.


District 9

This Districts consumables are "Bellow" and the "Light Wax". The Bellow can be acquired by doing the 3rd Job "Reap The Benefits" You will need these for Jobs #5 "Silence Your Disloyal Associates" and Job#7 "Get Compensation From Insurance Company". You will need 180 of these so try to strategically use your Jobs Bonus Crew for 2x Loot and 2x Mastery. The Light Wax is used for the two bonus jobs that will drop randomly, I do not recommend wasting your time and resources on these jobs because the ratios are not good and the loot is nothing to get excited over. From my perspective these bonus jobs are there to make you further burn through your resources in the hopes that you will buy a refill. When you reach a level of mastery you will be rewarded with the "Fish and Chips Guy" (Good Lord o_0) and the statistics on this item will increase and end with 168/293. The Best Loot Drops:


District 10 

This Districts consumables are the "Fryer" and the "Black and Bloody". The Fryer can be acquired by doing the 2nd Job "Enjoy The Game At Rivals Teams Cost". You will need these for Jobs #4 "Poke Your Teams Victory In Rival Fan's Faces" and #7 "Speak To Your Uncle With Connections". You will need 128 of these so try to strategically use your Jobs bonuses to loot these at 2X and double your mastery. The Black and Bloody is used to complete the bonus jobs of which there are Two that will randomly open and do not have very good ratios at all nor is the loot that drops as I said about District 9. When you reach a level of mastery you are rewarded with the "Football Referee" the statistics will increase depending on you Mastery with the end Stats of 293/168.  The Best Loot Drops:


That is the skinny on these new Districts in a nutshell. I cannot post huge amounts of graphics as I refuse to spend the inordinate amount of Money that will be required to open all this and show you some pretty artwork and graphics. Several of the members of the {M} family are going through these pretty fast with the resources they have available and have made good points to remind us: If you find your self strapped for cash don't forget to sell off your old city loot from the previous districts. You will find yourself strapped for cash if you were unable to take advantage of the recent "secret district" (Oxymoron really, a secret district that everybody knows about o-0 ) and store up London Pounds. You will need a total of 1193400 pounds to complete both districts.  

In my opinion these two new districts are pretty lame. Instead of a new area we get these not so secret districts which have nothing to offer. The job ratios are not as good as the previous ratios in District 8 of 2.28. District 10 highest offering is 2.25, this might not seem like much difference but when the game has been geared to cater to fighters and clans, of which have lower average energy resources, it makes a huge difference to these players who are spending money on the game to increase there statistics to fight. With the latest release of new fight loot these best items they offer should be a lot better as the cost in resources to acquire any meaningful amount to make a difference, are disproportionate to the games current leanings to fighting. 


Other loot dropping:
                                                 Point Being, armor [139/96]

Pip-pip Charge, vehicle [139/96]

Regal Crown, armor [96/139]

Now Scoot, vehicle [139/96]