New VIP Tiers of goodness
I just got home, logged in to the game and got this new pop-up
(I am sick to death of their pop-ups, isn't everyone?)
These benefits look pretty good to me, and yes,
after I read Brutus' article
VIP Membership Purchase Facts
I purchased a VIP membership myself. That means I am a Bronze member, and next month I will be a Silver member, and if I am still playing in a few more months, I will get the Gold tier benefits.
Extension of Limited Time Property by five days sounds MARVELOUS to me right now!
If I make it all the way to one year and one month as a VIP (Total $324.61) I will get
One Free Harbinger of Havoc (350att/350def) in addition to the other items listed.
At the Titanium Tier (19 months = $ 474.43) the bonus item becomes the Harbinger of Destruction (400att/400def) an additional 200 RP (one time only) more attack & defense bonus etcetera. NOTE the FINE PRINT.... *Asterisk next to these Harbingers both Ruby & Titanium it states that these item's stat's will *INCREASE* every week.
I could be wrong, but this is how I feel about it.
This is looks like a good deal to me. I mean, seriously, I could be bowling. $20 per week for the lane, $100 for the shoes, $100 for a new ball, $400 for the cast on my wrist/ankle/knees, all those snacks and sodas I would *have* to have, and oh, people. (You can tell it's been a long time since I went bowling) Well, I will stick to this until I become completely burnt out I suppose. What about you?