What the hell happened to my Mafia Operations that I completed? I had 10, all of which were completed and I just needed to collect the rewards, and now every single one of them says "The leader removed you from this operation!" Well I know that's not the case, and it's pretty crappy that Zynga decided to insert that message. Had I not known that this is a Zynga screw-up, I might've gotten pretty mad at 10 of my mafia members.
And so what about my operation rewards that I hadn't collected? The only option I now have is to close those missions. That's bullcrap, Zynga, complete and utter bullcrap. You can bet I'm going to write customer support a very unhappy message. I spent the time, energy, and stamina to complete those operations, and I'm not going to get screwed out of my rewards.
It's happened to me a couple of times and completely sucks!! I now make sure I collect as soon as possible. The message from Zynga could cause a hell of a lot of problems if you didn't know better. Another almighty Zynga Screw up!